
Our team may be small, but it’s well connected and far reaching with an international network of specialist associates, partners and friends.

Jess Steele - Director
Jericho Road is led by Jess Steele who has 25 years experience of working intensively with local neighbourhoods and at national level to support neighbourhood development. As a grassroots activist and entrepreneur, she set up community enterprises in publishing, heritage, tourism, childcare, financial management, workspace, and neighbourhood development. At a national level she led innovation through membership organisations. In Hastings, she had a key role in the rescue of Hastings Pier, has redeveloped Rock House as a creative, collaborative capped-rent space, and founded the Heart of Hastings Community Land Trust to tackle the threat of gentrification and enable DIY Regeneration.

Jess completed her PhD in February 2022.
Download her thesis on Self renovating neighbourhoods as an alternative to gentrification here.
Donna Hayter - Executive Coordinator
Donna has a background in psychology, the environmental and community sectors and has been working for Jess since 2020, where she has supported various creative community and redevelopment projects in Hastings and nationally. She led the Hastings Trinity Triangle Maintenance Club - a funded collaborative maintenance project for a unique and historic neighbourhood that is full of community spirit and independent business but also built fabric decline and dereliction.
Ronan Larvor - Support & AV Specialist
Ronan has been supporting Jericho Road since its formation in 2012. For the past year he has been developing the technical audio visual facilities at the Observer Building and is working with the OBX Creative Technology hub to complete his made-from-scratch CNC machine: a computer controlled cutting and carving machine.