Ba-Ba-Boom! Huzzah! Wow! OMG! Thank the Gods!

Sometimes when things work out well we can hardly believe it’s because of us. We want to feel the thunderbolt and praise Thor!

I’m really pleased that tonight Hastings Pier was saved. This is how I felt when I knew:

But you know what? It wasn’t Thor. I know for definite that it’s all down to the dogged persistence of local people. Tell the story one way and it’s a classic Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” but tell the true story and it’s actually loads of people – the whole of Hastings and our allies far beyond.

This pier is going to make a lot of differences. It’s a catalyst, and it’s ours, all of ours. That’s what’s so brilliant about it – it’s classless, ageless, baggage-free, it really is for everyone.

This will transform Hastings, slowly and with lots of help. I know that there are business people thinking of investing; there are artists who want to make something happen; there are local residents who met their husbands and wives long ago on the pier who want to rekindle; there are people waiting for jobs and the chance to learn something right here at home, there are anglers who will catch the biggest fish; there are teenagers wanting to snog; and somewhere there’s a couple who love each other very much who are waiting till the pier is rebuilt to get married.

The People’s Pier is on its way. Check out for all the news.

I’m just fit to burst with pride and happiness.
